SIUC Dental Hygiene Clinic

Dental resources found in and near the Southern Illinois area:

Familia Dental

SIUE Dental Patient Clinics
Three locations:
-Alton campus
-Edwardsville Clinic on SIUE campus
-East St. Louis Center campus

Alton: 618-474-700
Edwardsville: 618-650-5781
East STL: 618-482-6980
Offers a variety of services such as preventative care, bridges, fillings, crowns, dentures, X-rays,, etc. Prices and information found on website. Accepts Illinois Medicaid and Medicare.

SIUE Dental Patient Clinics

CASA of Jefferson County

612 North 12th Street

Mount Vernon, IL 62864

Phone: (618) 204-5453


*Information  listed is subject to change. Make sure to contact the location first, if possible.

Familia Dental
​Locations in:
Addison, IL
Champaign, IL
Decatur, IL
East STL
Elgin, IL
Moline, IL
Peoria, IL
Springfield, IL
Wheeling, IL
Phone: 833-225-0853
​Accepts medicaid (DentaQuest, Evolve, Liberty Dental, Molina Medicare).

SIUC Dental Hygiene Clinic

1365 Douglas Dr.
Carbondale, IL 62901
Phone: 618-453-8826
Offers a variety of services including: dental exams, cleanings, X-rays, fluoride treatments, pit and fissure sealants, etc. Prices and information found on website.
The costs for services are greatly reduced due to  them being provided by students. The length of visits are much longer than private practices.